Everyone’s favourite TikTok drama is about to hit the silver screen. Back in February 2024, the world became obsessed with TikTok creator @reesamteesa, whose real name is Tareasa Johnson, and her iconic 50-part series titled ‘Who TF Did I Marry?’, which focused on the manipulative lies of her ex-husband, Legion. The entire online community stood firmly behind Johnson and was completely taken aback by the wild stories she shared about her former partner’s deception. And, as it turns out, there was a certain writer, actor, and producer also watching this crazy tale unfold.
On Wednesday 4 September, Johnson announced on her Instagram page that ‘Who TF Did I Marry?’ had officially been picked up for a TV adaptation. It was also revealed that Natasha Rothwell, an actor and writer best known for her work on The White Lotus and the upcoming comedy series How to Die Alone, would be starring and producing the show.
Also announcing the news on her TikTok page with enthusiasm, Johnson stated: “Finally, the news is out. I didn’t disappear, I was in negotiations! I am beyond excited to work with the Natasha Rothwell. Listen, we are about to change the game. Get ready, get set, go!!!”
One excited user commented under the post: “The fact that it hasn’t even been a year since we heard this story just shows how incredible you are. You’re doing big things girl!”
Fans had been speculating about a potential TV adaptation for some time now and after the creator recently shared a video on TikTok captioned “when you’re busy booking flights and signing contracts,” netizens suspected that an exciting project might be in progress.
It has also been revealed that Johnson has begun working with Omara Harris, an entertainment lawyer. Posting about the TV deal on her personal Instagram account, Harris penned a sweet message to the TikTok creator: “I am so beyond humbled and honoured that you entrusted my law firm with your journey to TV Land and the worldwide stardom and frenzy that ensued after you uploaded your Viral TikTok series! So much more to come y’all!! More major announcements brewing!”
According to the exclusive with Variety, there are no current details regarding a release date for the TV show, but if you are well versed in the drama of ‘Who TF Did I Marry?’, you’ll know that this series is going to be well worth the wait.