Amy Rose Everett

Amy Rose Everett spent a decade in London as the Digital Editor of Comedy Central and Senior Social Media Manager at MTV, feeding raw eggs to John Cena, writing raps with Sean Paul and tweeting Cardi B. Now, she splits her time between London and Lisbon, writing about music, lifestyle, food and travel.

Thinking about: How WeVerse could change stan culture forever

By Amy Rose Everett

The return of the stereotype: Why sexist ads are on the rise and how we can make them history

By Amy Rose Everett

Thinking about: The creative message behind Swarm’s portrayal of the Black female villain

By Amy Rose Everett

Thinking about: The US government trying to block TikTok when it doesn’t know how WiFi works

By Amy Rose Everett

Thinking about: how the metaverse puts kids in danger

By Amy Rose Everett

Thinking about deepfake porn and the case of streamer QTCinderella’s exploitation

By Amy Rose Everett

Listen up: More than a billion millennials and gen Zers could face hearing loss due to loud music

By Amy Rose Everett

From #MessyTikTok to #StayToxic, is social media sleuthing ruining your love life?

By Amy Rose Everett



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