With the 4 July 2024 general election on the horizon, stay updated on the key issues, policy changes, and cultural movements shaping the future. Get the latest insights and how they impact the younger community in the UK.

Hospitalisations, parasite outbreaks, vomiting bugs, and sewage spills: UK water is officially not safe to drink

By Charlie Sawyer

Black woman charged by Met Police for directing racially abusive terms towards footballer on X

By Fatou Ferraro Mboup

Gather around girlies: Here’s what to expect from the UK general election result

By Charlie Sawyer

Sexual assault and self-harm in women’s jails skyrocket as prisons become too overcrowded

By Abby Amoakuh

Taxing the rich and a 4-day work week: Why the Green Party’s manifesto is trending on TikTok

By Charlie Sawyer

None of the UK political parties’ manifestos offer proper protection for the LGBTQIA+ community

By Louis Shankar

Nigel Farage says Andrew Tate is an important voice for emasculated young boys

By Charlie Sawyer

From kinda cute to OK Boomer: Our hot takes on UK political parties’ TikToks ahead of the general election

By Charlie Sawyer

Mystery girl behind Nigel Farage milkshake saga sparks online theories

By Charlie Sawyer

Is Rishi Sunak’s 4 July general election a strategic move to hit uni student voter turnout?

By Charlie Sawyer

Rishi Sunak’s early general election won’t save the Conservatives, their time is well and truly up

By Louis Shankar

The Criminal Justice Bill will negatively impact over 300,000 homeless people across the UK

By Charlie Sawyer

Inside Universallkidz, the school teaching conspiracy theories and sacred drumming to UK students

By Fatou Ferraro Mboup

Tory Minister Chris Philp asks if Congo and Rwanda are different countries on live TV

By Abby Amoakuh

Student calls for stricter voyeurism punishment after discovering stepfather hid camera among teddies

By Fatou Ferraro Mboup

Tory MP Gillian Keegan asked to justify arresting homeless people for their smell

By Fatou Ferraro Mboup


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Stay in-the-know with the latest UK political news

The first quarter of the 21st century has been one of the most monumental eras in UK politics. Brexit, prime minister changes, Royal family upheavals, COVID-19, international unrest, climate change, artificial intelligence, and much more have affected the state of the kingdom.

Today’s younger generations need to keep close tabs on the latest political news. UK policy decisions could impact millions of lives, and the public can influence these decisions. SCREENSHOT’s coverage of UK politics zeroes in on all the latest developments.

UK politics: A quick snapshot

What’s the current state of affairs according to recent UK political news? Here’s an overview of the general shape of the country’s government, culture, and politics.

Governmental structure

When it comes to UK government news, it’s important to remember that while the monarchy “rules” the UK, actual political work is conducted by other governmental entities. The Prime Minister is the head of government, and the House of Commons in Parliament contends with immediate concerns and laws (with advisory help from the House of Lords).

The Prime Minister and members of Parliament (MPs) are voted into office by the general electorate, along with local council people in smaller districts. Elections are held at least every five years or by special proclamation of the Prime Minister. The Fixed-Term Parliaments Act of 2011 was an attempt to streamline Parliamentary terms and election-calling rules, but was repealed with the passage of The Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Act 2022.

King Charles’ ascension

The most significant royal family news in generations, of course, was the passing of Queen Elizabeth II in September 2022, leading to the ascension of her son, Charles III, to the throne. The King’s coronation took place on 6 May 2023.

While most observers don’t anticipate a huge shift in the royal family’s focus, King Charles faces a very different country than his mother did 70 years ago. The UK has become a more multicultural country, and King Charles is expected to reach out to as many different kinds of his subjects as he can. It’s also believed he will continue to push for solutions to climate change, an issue in which he’s shown passionate interest.

A transformed royal family

The former Prince Harry made considerable waves in January 2020 when he and his wife, Meghan Markle, decided to step back from their royal family duties. While the move didn’t affect citizens’ daily lives, it radically changed the perception and dynamics of the royal family. Long-simmering debates about the monarchy’s relevance in modern society got louder.

Grappling with Brexit

The United Kingdom officially—and controversially—exited the European Union (EU) in 2016. The effects of the decision, narrowly approved by public vote, are still being worked out. After recent negotiations, the relationship between the EU and Britain has tentatively restarted. However, the post-Brexit UK economy faces many challenges and changes.

COVID fallout and reemergence

Like the rest of the world, the UK suffered massive losses of life and prosperity during the COVID shutdown that started in March 2020. The coronavirus was listed as the cause of demise on nearly 230,000 death certificates in the country. Businesses and employees also felt the pain as earnings plummeted and millions of jobs were furloughed. The country is navigating its rebirth from COVID.

International issues

The UK maintains a strong presence in international politics. Although Brexit has significantly altered the UK internally, foreign policy issues have been affected by other global events. Most recently, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, humanitarian crises in Africa and Asia, and political unrest in the United States have influenced UK diplomacy.

The latest UK political news

What’s happening in the complex world of UK politics? Here are some of the latest national and local developments, Brexit news, and Parliament news.


The UK continues to struggle with the ramifications of leaving the EU. While there’s an uneasy truce between the UK and the union, British citizens still contend with economic uncertainty. Here is some of the latest Brexit news:

DUP negotiating return to government

Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) is having “meaningful” discussions with the UK government regarding post-Brexit issues. DUP leaders left their positions in Stormont in February 2022 to protest new conditions and restrictions on moving goods from Britain to Northern Ireland. DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson expresses guarded optimism in the talks’ progress, but the Stormont Assembly remains in chaos since the departure of an entire party.

Former Scottish Labour leader reconsiders leaving UK

Kezia Dugdale, the former leader of the Scottish Labour Party, has revised her opinion on Scotland remaining in the United Kingdom. After championing Scotland remaining in the UK in 2014, Dugdale says that “little Boris Brexit Britain” has made her rethink her position. She expects a referendum to occur at some point, but most likely not in the next decade. The former leader’s support for progressive European policies puts her at odds with rising right-wing sentiment.

Britain delays checks on EU food imports

Brexit-driven inspection protocol on food coming in from the EU has been suspended for the fifth time. Suppliers, food markets, and hospitality businesses have struggled to adjust to the complex new requirements. The phase-in has been postponed from 31 October. Current expectations are the rules will be in effect starting in January 2024.


The House of Commons oversees the debate and enactment of British law, despite its internal struggles. Here are some of the latest news leaders are facing today in Parliament:

Shefford MP urged to vacate seat

Nadine Dorries, a representative of the small town of Shefford, is under fire for remaining in Parliament after declaring her resignation. The Shefford City Council composed an open letter, recapping accusations that Dorries’ constituents felt “abandoned” by her relative disinterest in local affairs. Dorries sent a letter of resignation from Parliament on June 9 but has refused to leave until she is sent an explanation for being refused a spot in the House of Lords.

Hunting trophy ban faces uphill battle

The Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition Bill) recently passed by the House of Commons has a slim chance of passing the House of Lords, onlookers say. Enactment of the Bill would ban the importing of heads, horns, or other parts of endangered species into Britain. Conservative critics of the legislation claim the Bill is poorly constructed and needs significant revisions.


General and local elections in the UK reflect the ever-changing nature of social and political life. Here are some of the latest reports regarding the UK elections:

Labour deputy leader says being “safe” won’t defeat Tories

Angela Rayner, deputy leader of the Labour party, warned her party against complacency before the next general election. Speaking at an appearance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Rayner urged Labour reps not to take their re-election for granted. She expressed that simply advertising itself as the non-Tory party will not be enough with voters and that Labour needs to “give people hope for the future” with new policies that are “radical, realistic and responsible.”

PM Sunak says recent Labour success doesn’t make general election a “done deal”

Responding to Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s statements that his party’s success means it can “win anywhere,” Prime Minister Rishi Sunak disagreed. Liberal Democrats have recently turned big Tory majorities in local by-elections, including a 23.7 per cent swing in Selby thanks to a victory by young candidate Keir Mather. Sunak countered that voter upset over expanding low-emission zones led to big Labour victories and harder-than-expected Tory wins. But Sunak said the next general election was not a “done deal,” and there’s time for Conservatives to get votes back.

Royal family

The UK royal family has recently experienced some of the most drastic changes in monarchy history that have reframed its relationship with its subjects. Here’s some of the most recent royal family news:

Prince William believes Harry had a tougher time than him

William, Prince Of Wales, recently said that his brother’s experience growing up was harder than his because he had less time with his late mother. Princess Diana’s 1997 death left the then-11-year-old Harry with fewer “privileges” than William, who is four years his senior. Harry’s departure from royal family duties in 2020 has reshaped the public perception of the royal family, leaving many to reconsider their role in British society.

Palace insiders claim there’s no chance for “peace talks” between King Charles and Harry anytime soon

Buckingham Palace insiders dismissed recent reports that King Charles would rearrange his schedule to negotiate a truce with his estranged son Harry. Rumours persisted that Harry would visit London after overseeing the Invictus Games in Germany with the intent of reconciling with his father. However, the insiders rebuffed the notion that Charles would “rearrange his schedule” to meet with Harry.

International relations

The United Kingdom is close to many flashpoints for international relations and conflict. Its foreign policy is key to influencing and managing events with global impact. Here are a couple of the most recent reports on international relations:

PM Sunak confirms plans to meet Saudi Crown Prince

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has verified plans to meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman sometime this autumn. The proposed meeting has reactivated concerns about Prince Mohammed’s human rights record, which have been fueled by his alleged approval of the murder of a journalist in 2018. Transcripts of a recent phone call between Sunak and the Prince revealed that human rights abuse was not a proposed subject for the conference, which is expected to cover trade issues.

No returns agreement for people who cross Channel into UK, the EU says

Contradicting reports that a new deal was imminent, the European Union said there was no pending agreement to allow readmission into EU countries by people who had crossed the Channel into England. An aide to EU president Bjoern Seibert stated that no agreement was in the works, although some accounts dispute that statement. The UK has struggled to reach an accord with some countries on readmissions. A deal with France was scuttled when French authorities said any pact must occur at the EU level.

Government policies

Decisions at the state and local levels change the fabric of British society. Here are some of the latest news on government policies.

Labour says UK’s growth will be slowest of all G7 countries

Labour leader Keir Starmer says the United Kingdom will endure the slowest economic growth of all the countries in the powerful Group of Seven (G7). Estimates from the Bank of England say annual growth will slow to 0.5 per cent in 2024, revising previously projected figures of 0.75 per cent. Conservatives say the restricted growth is due to the skyrocketing costs of goods and taxes, along with their having to repair the mistakes of Liz Truss’ torrid tenure as Prime Minister.

Tories tiring of Sunak’s reliance on “woke” policies

75 per cent of respondents in a recent survey said they weren’t interested in PM Rishi Sunak’s pursuit against political correctness and “woke” policies. Most of the 2,000 adults surveyed by the More in Common group said efforts to address “cancel culture” were less important than economic and social issues.

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