Sam Wareing

Sam studied Games Development: Writing at Falmouth University where he learnt the ins and outs of what it means to be a gamer. A self-confessed Nintendo nerd and trading card game connoisseur, Sam now writes fabulous articles for SCREENSHOT. In his free time, Sam likes to take long walks along the beach and enjoy the sea breeze as it caresses his face. Just kidding—he can usually be found in a dark room under some blankets playing whatever video game he is currently addicted to.

First the metaverse, now the universe: Meta and the Smithsonian let you walk on the moon

By Sam Wareing

‘The vein remains’: Snickers responds to claims it removed the ‘d*ck vein’ from its chocolate bar

By Sam Wareing

Spooky metaverse: Will the new ‘Ghostbusters’ VR game bring the franchise back from the afterlife?

By Sam Wareing

The saga continues: ‘Elden Ring’ legend ‘Let Me Solo Her’ gets awesome new spirit summon mod

By Sam Wareing


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