Tahmina Begum

Tahmina has been a working writer, editor and contributor to books for the better part of a decade. When she's not working with words, you can find her consulting brands or speak on panels. She's also the founder of The Aram newsletter, where she centres Muslim women and women of colour, as per.

The link between New Year resolutions, wellness and the rise of orthorexia

By Tahmina Begum

The British Army’s marketing needs a 2019 wake-up call

By Tahmina Begum

James Charles asks for privacy, but can he?

By Tahmina Begum

Black Friday vs Buy Nothing Day is about class, not sustainability

By Tahmina Begum

What M&S selling hijabs for 3-year-olds really means for diversity

By Tahmina Begum

London Fashion Week à la Brexit uncertainty

By Tahmina Begum

Stop cancelling and start changing

By Tahmina Begum



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