Francesca Johnson

Francesca Johnson has a thing for deep dives and retrospective think pieces on internet culture—with a focus on gen Z, media criticism, identity and just about anything weird on the web. If she’s not writing, she is probably liking pictures of otters on Instagram.

Behind the sinuous scenes of kinbaku, as explained by professional teacher Georg Barkas

By Francesca Johnson

Australian therapists could soon be given shrooms to better treat anxiety patients

By Francesca Johnson

Megan Thee Stallion announces plan to help her fellow hot girl graduates get jobs

By Francesca Johnson

For the love of gore: TikTok users are ‘brushing their teeth’ with razors

By Francesca Johnson

Gothcore: the illegitimate child of the goth and metalcore aesthetics

By Francesca Johnson

Iceland is tackling carbon emissions by recycling CO2 into stone

By Francesca Johnson

Revolutionary brain implant helps blind patient see without eyes for the first time in 16 years

By Francesca Johnson

Who is Jazmin Bean? A deep dive into the multidiverse mind behind ‘Worldwide Torture’

By Francesca Johnson

When sounds trigger you emotionally: what is misophonia and how do people deal with it?

By Francesca Johnson

TikTokers are now using lube as a makeup primer. Does it work?

By Francesca Johnson

More than ‘Boyz’ and blackfishing, Jesy Nelson’s argument is indefensible

By Francesca Johnson

Beyond ‘Perfect Blue’, here’s what Satoshi Kon’s other movies predicted about society

By Francesca Johnson


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