Millie Bobby Brown is now taking action against TikTok star Hunter Echo—real name Hunter Ecimovic—after he claimed on an Instagram Live to have engaged in sexual acts with the Stranger Things actress. According to a report published on Tuesday 13 July, Brown’s representative told TMZ that Ecimovic’s remarks on social media “are not only dishonest, but also are irresponsible, offensive and hateful.” The representative continued, “Instead of engaging in a public discourse with him through the press or on social media, we are taking action to ensure that he stops this behavior once and for all.”
The TikTok star came under fire on Monday, 12 July, after he made crude comments aimed at the actress and alleged that he engaged in sexual acts with her. To quote him, Ecimovic said he “groomed” Brown and had nothing to apologise for despite the actress being just 16 years old and he 20 when the events allegedly happened.
“Yeah, no, I groomed her. Everything that I did was completely legal and it was approved by everybody that I was with,” the now-21-year-old said, adding that he also lived with the Hollywood actress at her home for eight months. “I have nothing to apologise for, so make that clear. I have zero things to apologise for,” he said. “How the fuck is there a lawsuit? Her mom and dad knew about everything.”
On Wednesday, however, Ecimovic issued a lengthy apology on TikTok, explaining that he was drunk and his words were a reaction to the negative comments on his livestream. “It shouldn’t have happened in the first place. That was a stupid idea on my part to think it would be okay to continue, to go live as it was getting more and more negative in the comments,” he said.
“After seeing, hearing what people were saying to me when they didn’t know about anything, like ever, I was getting more and more irritated. The alcohol—I became more careless and I said stuff that shouldn’t have been said.”
He said his natural instinct when people did that was to “make it worse” and “antagonise.” Right. Many have highlighted how, even though the age of consent in California—where Ecimovic is based—is 18, the alleged relationship seems problematic.