Jack Ramage


Freelance features writer

Jack Ramage is a journalist and features writer from North Yorkshire with bylines in VICE, Dazed, The Face, DJ Mag and more. His reporting spans a wide range of topics including music, digital culture, politics, and fringe subcultures.

Mandatory voter ID will be a damaging blow for UK democracy

By Jack Ramage

The surprising life of Bob Ross prior to ‘The Joy of Painting’

By Jack Ramage

Alpacas prefer classical music. Here’s how it could save their lives

By Jack Ramage

Cryptocurrency is destroying our planet. Can it be stopped?

By Jack Ramage

Instagram unveils new monetisation features for micro-influencers

By Jack Ramage

Introducing algorave, the musical movement where computers and clubs collide

By Jack Ramage

Elon Musk has made a monkey play Pong telepathically. Here’s what it means for humanity

By Jack Ramage

The rich are once again stealing from the working class: this time, it’s football

By Jack Ramage

Everything you should know if you plan on celebrating 420

By Jack Ramage

Universal Credit cut will be devastating for the people Rishi Sunak represents

By Jack Ramage


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