Malavika Pradeep

She's a 10 but she's obsessed with people selling long Furbies on Etsy. With a Communications degree from the National Institute of Fashion Technology, India, Malavika has made internet aesthetics and subcultures her entire personality. Apart from her interest in AI, virtual influencers, and bizarre beauty trends, she manages the @mr_touch_me_not meme page on Instagram.

Meet Peter Pan: Neverland Nightmare, the slasher film nobody asked for

By Malavika Pradeep

‘Unlawful and unethical’: UK police urged to ban facial recognition in all public places

By Malavika Pradeep

Privileged brat or PR stunt? The seedy truth behind Kendall Jenner’s viral Cucumbergate

By Malavika Pradeep

‘Eternal Sunshine’ in a pill: Researchers say they can alter memories of your bad breakup

By Malavika Pradeep

12 of the best celebrity Halloween costumes of 2022

By Malavika Pradeep

The explosive truth behind ‘salt water flushes’ promising short-term weight loss

By Malavika Pradeep

11 problematic Elon Musk tweets that haven’t aged well

By Malavika Pradeep

Marijuana company sued for not getting customers high enough

By Malavika Pradeep

Neil Patrick Harris slammed for ‘disgusting’ comments about teenage Nick Jonas

By Malavika Pradeep

Snoop Dogg’s professional blunt roller reveals what it’s like to roll 150 joints for the rapper everyday

By Malavika Pradeep

Bumble makes its nude-detecting AI public to combat cyberflashing on the internet

By Malavika Pradeep

Meet CLIP Interrogator, the rude AI that bullies people based on their selfies

By Malavika Pradeep

You can now earn $50 an hour by binge-watching TikTok

By Malavika Pradeep

The bizarre story of Richard Lee McNair, the man who escaped by mailing himself out of prison

By Malavika Pradeep

In defence of PNGTubers, the next generation of virtual influencers

By Malavika Pradeep

‘Crotch crystals’: An oral history of vajazzling, the trend obsessed with pubic decor

By Malavika Pradeep



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