Technology is developing at the speed of light and changing our lives with it. Find out everything you need to know about the mad mad world of big tech, social media, apps and the people behind it all. Start your journey by reading more about the latest AI trends.




Sex tech

Social media

Everything you need to know about 5G, and more

By Helena Kate Whittingham

Facebook launches a cryptocurrency called Libra

By Yair Oded

Does Silicon Valley have a conscience again? Spoiler: not really

By Wade Wallerstein

Online makeup brand Lime Crime just released a game-changing AR beauty app

By Camay Abraham

A doctor is fighting health misinformation on Instagram, one post at a time

By Alma Fabiani

Airbnb and 23andMe want to use your DNA for holiday recommendations

By Camay Abraham

You might soon be able to communicate with machines without talking

By Alma Fabiani

Absher, the Saudi wife-tracking app that is legal

By Sanjana Varghese

Spotify’s new feature will let you talk with its ads

By Sofia Gallarate

Instagram is thinking of removing the ‘like’ feature, what does this mean?

By Alma Fabiani

A viral Instagram account wants to speak about the Holocaust to Gen Z

By Yair Oded

What should happen to your social media profiles after you die?

By Alma Fabiani

Don’t fear AI, Extended Intelligence is coming to the rescue

By Sofia Gallarate

UPS is putting drones in the sky, but not for the obvious reasons

By Alma Fabiani

2019 marks the first record deal signed with an algorithm ever

By Audrey Popa

@AskAPoC is fighting racial stereotypes one question at a time

By Tahmina Begum




