Discover the latest in environmental policies, sustainable initiatives, and the global effort to combat climate change, tailored for the younger generations passionate about securing the future.

Earth is getting a black box to record doomsday for future civilisations

By Malavika Pradeep

Iceland is tackling carbon emissions by recycling CO2 into stone

By Francesca Johnson

Police officers are using the climate crisis as an excuse to get military vehicles

By Malavika Pradeep

McDonald’s says it plans to make its toys less harmful to the environment

By Alma Fabiani

Climate scientist warns cyclones could soon be the norm in Europe

By Jack Ramage

Scientists are toilet-training cows to combat climate change

By Malavika Pradeep

Should you swap your go-to oat milk for potato milk?

By Alma Fabiani

From green pensions to ice-making submarines, here are 6 inventions that could save the planet

By Monica Athnasious

Climate change was killing dinosaurs before the asteroid. Will we suffer the same fate?

By Malavika Pradeep

‘I could cry, I’m real angry’: Uncovering the oil spill in the Gulf of Paria that no one is talking about

By Monica Athnasious

Melting icebergs caused by climate change could trigger tsunamis, study suggests

By Jack Ramage

Bottles to bricks: LEGO is making greener bricks from recycled plastic

By Malavika Pradeep

Learn how seed bombs and guerrilla gardening can help improve both our cities and our health

By Alma Fabiani

Australian brewery Young Henrys is using algae to tackle beer’s carbon footprint

By Malavika Pradeep

Animating Eco-Feminist Futures: an event to discover alternative depictions of the natural world

By Alma Fabiani

Why legalising weed in the US would be better for the planet

By Jack Ramage


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