Ghosts are terrifying enough as it is, so imagine how spooked homeowner Linda Hill must have been when she realised that her Texas property is not only haunted—it’s haunted by crude and dirty talking spirits.
Speaking to the television station WFAA, Hill explained that her house’s ghost problem had become such a big issue that it led to tenants moving in and out in record time. “The longest anyone’s stayed in this house was six months,” she revealed.
Though Hill and her husband were first confused as to why tenants were renting their home for such a short amount of time, after ten occupants moved out one after the other in the period of two years, one came forward and told the couple that they believed the house was haunted.
Hill didn’t believe them at first, and it wasn’t until she became the victim of one of the paranormal presences occupying her property herself that she started worrying. While in the shower, she allegedly saw a dark figure appear behind the curtain and whisper, “Looking good.”
Hill initially thought it was her husband standing outside, but when she opened the shower curtain, no one was seen in the vicinity. Unsure of what to think, she even questioned her husband over if he had been in their bathroom while she was in the shower, to which he promised he hadn’t.
The horrified homeowner also caught an audio recording of the ghost saying “Oh baby, oh baby yeah, I like it like that.” Considering the fact that these strange events are taking place in an isolated house and not in a building made of different flats, it’s hard to logically explain where these sounds could be coming from.
Aside from the barrage of creepy voices whispering ‘sexy’ things, the house also has a door that opens and shuts by itself and a 19-foot well that was discovered under the property’s living room. The Ring flashbacks, anyone?
It was built on the original property, which was reportedly a brothel. Some netizens have theorised that the well is a portal from the world of the dead to the world of the living. Hill has since profited upon her ghostly peeping tom and has transformed the house into ‘Hill House Manor’, advertising it as a residence for ghost-seekers to come and investigate the lewd happenings for themselves.