To all Depop sellers in the making! You’ve now started your account and optimised your listings, received top tips on how to package and ship your items, and learned where to find a trustworthy clothing supplier—what now? There’s one last thing you need to focus on, which is how to pick the type of items you’ll be selling and find your own niche on Depop. In order to give your the best recommendations you can get, we asked top Depop sellers Sooki Sooki Vintage and Mini’s World to share their advice with us one last time. Here’s what tips they have for you:
When picking items you’ll then be selling on your Depop account, only one thing truly matters: would you wear it yourself? As Sooki Sooki Vintage explains, “The way I pick the items is by envisioning myself wearing them. Would they suit me? I know this sounds self-centred but people are buying me when they buy clothing from my brand.”
When it comes to her niche, Sooki Sooki Vintage noticed that although many Depop accounts were selling vintage clothes inspired by the 60s and 70s, she realised that none of them looked like her. She felt like she wasn’t represented on the platform, which led her to believe that other potential costumers felt the same thing. This is how she identified a gap in the market, and how, from there, she built her own niche on the app.
For Mini’s World, while her interest laid more in 90s and naughties fashion, she also focused on clothing that could fit her and her soon-to-be customers. “I looked at what fits well on someone’s body. Sometimes, when it comes to vintage clothing, you can either get really well-made pieces that fit great or struggle to find a size 10, or 12 or 20. I like the fact that older, vintage clothing are really well-made and therefore can fit different body types.”
When picking the items that she’ll then be selling on her Depop shop, Mini’s World splits them into different categories: “You’ll have trend pieces, statement pieces, and then unique items. A trend piece at the moment would be a sweater vest of some sort—they’re really in right now. Or anything from Nike really. Then a statement piece would be a pair of jeans, a denim jacket, a leather jacket, black boots, a hoodie, etc… And a unique piece would be anything that you see where you’re like ‘I’m never going to see that again’. A piece that is super rare.”
Try also to follow publications that could inspire you as well as young fashion designers in order to keep up with new trends and predict what customers will be looking for next. “All that information will be helping you when you’re sourcing clothing and picking up items for your customers,” explains Mini’s World.