Every year, from 2004 to present, Google Trends shows that searches for ‘spring cleaning tips’ peak in March. But our obsession with spring cleaning doesn’t stop there—on TikTok, #cleantok has a whopping 59.4 billion views, making it a huge trend on the platform. But among the sea of cleaning content, which videos are the most popular, or in other words, most satisfying?
Intrigued to find out, End Of Tenancy London analysed which cleaning videos on TikTok have the highest like-to-view ratio, highlighting the ones that leave viewers most inspired. Using its research as our shortlisting, we’ve selected 20 of #cleantok’s most enjoyable videos.
@kaelimaee some late night asmr cleaning🧼🧼 #fyp #foryoupage #ForzaHorizon5GO #cleaning #cleantok #satisfying #asmr #asmrsounds #home #sink #aesthetic
♬ original sound - kaeli mae
We’re not sure what this blue spray is made of exactly but it sounded even better than whipped cream being sprayed out of a can. It worked wonders on this sink too! Side note: just how cute is that grey smiley sponge?
@homewithchloex pink foamy toilet clean 💗 #homewithchloex #satisfying #cleanaddict #cleantok #hincher #mrshinchhome #cleaningtiktok #toilettok #toiletclean
Even though the WC looked clean in the first place, there’s something incredibly addicting about watching a toilet bowl receive five different layers of cleaning products. The foam/white powder combo is simply irresistible. Almost makes you want to taste it, right? Oh… Just us then?
@hudabeauty Who enjoys cleaning makeup sponges or brushes? #asmr #hudabeauty #foryou #xyzbca #satisfyingvideo
♬ original sound - Huda Beauty
Ideally, it is said that makeup enthusiasts should wash their beauty blenders after each use and replace them every three months. Let’s be honest though, not many of us actually do it, simply because it either takes too much time or because we’re not sure exactly how to clean them in the first place.
Well, fear no more because this video from Huda Beauty’s founder proves that it is, in fact, not as hard as we thought it would be—just use some hand soap and give them a nice little scrub in the bath.
@ladytaphos It only took about 10 minutes to clean up Loyd's marker, and it looks beautiful. 💫 #cemetery #gravestone #respect #fyp #bedfordva #ladytaphos
♬ original sound - Alicia 🍉 LadyTaphos
User @ladytaphos, real name Alicia Williams, has been sharing videos of herself tidying up tombstones in Bedford, Virginia—and her followers just can’t get enough. One of her cleaning videos has topped 34.9 million views and 4.5 million likes. Cleaning gravestones isn’t Williams’ day job, but she’s dedicated to say the least.
@bonnie_mcnamarax Meet my arch nemesis #shower #clean #cleantok #foryou #foryoupage #cleaning #asmr
♬ Bezos I - Bo Burnham
Did you know that if, like us, watching cleaning videos is one of your guilty pleasures, it’s probably not because you’re a secret neat freak but more a sign that you’re overwhelmed in other areas of your life? Considering the amount of satisfaction we just gained from this dirty shower being scrubbed real good, we could definitely use a vacation.
@sparklingwithdemi This oven clean was 🤤🤌🏻 follow @ultimatehouserenovations for similar content! #cleantok #deepclean #ovenclean #asmr #foryou #fyp #satisfying #viral
♬ original sound - Sparkling With Demi
Can we please first and foremost establish that this page is a safe space where we can share all of our darkest secrets? Cool, glad we can agree on that. Here we go: I’m pretty sure I’ve never cleaned my oven, like, ever. Why? Because it’s so damn hard! And it needs to be done with awful, toxic chemical cleaners. Thanks, but no thanks, I’ll just watch TikTok videos instead.
@scienceofcleaning #cleantok #cleaning #scrubbing #sinkclean #satisfying #mylifebelike #dirtyclean #filthy #dirty #fyp
♬ Ooh Ahh (My Life Be Like) [feat. Tobymac] - Grits
“Can someone do this to my brain?” commented one TikTok user and honestly, same.
@sparklingwithdemi More of these videos to come all day today! 😎 #cleantok #grout #cleaning #asmr #satisfying #deepclean #wow #viral #beforeandafter #foryou #fyp
♬ original sound - Sparkling With Demi
The Pink Stuff is a miracle paste that hails from the UK and went viral on TikTok for its all-purpose cleaning abilities. You can find video after video of people wiping stain-mired cooktops spotless, scouring grease-scorched ovens and reviving dark, soiled grout. Like magic!
@sarahmcglory anyone want to adopt an adorable German Shepherd with bad breath? #floorcleaning #momlife #cleantok
♬ original sound - Sarah
You’re telling me this device both vacuums and mops? Look at how shiny this floor is!
@sarahmcglory Anyone else bummed that there isn’t a magic product that cleans without effort? 🤔 #bathroomcleaning #deepcleaning #clr #deepcleantok
♬ original sound - Sarah
Another one from @sarahmcglory because this shower clean is too good to miss out on. Using one of these sharp cleaning tools is definitely proof of a level of dedication we’re yet to reach, sadly.
@cleanwithmekayleighx ✨ thank you @cleaningwithnaomix for the tip! this was so gross. I was really going to throw up.. #clean #cleaninghacks #schoonmaaktips #FYP #foryou
♬ origineel geluid - Kayleigh ✨🤍
It goes without saying that this toothbrush needs to be binned as soon as you’re done clearing out all the goo stuck in your sink’s pipe. Disgustingly satisfying.
@thep00lguy Pool chemicals!! #thep00lguy #hollayaboy #oddlysatisfying #satisfying #asmr #fyp
♬ original sound - Thepoolguyml
@Thepoolguyml, real name Miles, is—you guessed it—a pool cleaner who posts regular videos showing TikTok users how he cleans all kinds of pools, making his incredible pool transformations look easy. It’s no surprise users love his content. “Holla your boy for the pool work,” indeed.
@thep00lguy The worst smelling pool ever! @derekwarchisora put in a good shift as did @poolboyb4nners #thep00lguy #hollayaboy #fyp #satisfying #oddlysatisfying
♬ original sound - Thepoolguyml
Miles himself declared this pool “the worst smelling pool he’s ever seen.” That says a lot about the stench that must have been coming out of this pond. It’s during these moments that we feel lucky enough to witness such marvels only through a screen…
@thep00lguy Classic! These steps aren’t supposed to be green!!
♬ original sound - Thepoolguyml
We swear this one’s the last pool-related cleaning video. We just couldn’t help ourselves with this moss-scrubbing content.
@satisfyingol Super dirty rug washing by eco.chistka. #rug #asmr #satisfy #clean #satisfying #scrape #satisfy #satisfaction #dirty #satisfyingvideo #water #soap
♬ original sound - satisfyingol
Most of us probably don’t realise, but that carpet you’ve had for over five years used to be white, not grey… After watching this video, we’re definitely booking an appointment at the nearest rug cleaning service—wherever that may be.
@honeybobabear Trying to become THAT GIRL ✌️ next I’m redecorating my bed💀 #cleantok #cleaning #fridgeorganization #organize #thatgirl #diy
♬ original sound - honeybobabear
Okay, so this isn’t cleaning content so to speak, but it’s just as (if not more) addictive. Those clear plastic boxes make any food look ten times better than it normally does. We’re just slightly disappointed that the cheese shelf was left like this. What do you say, satisfying or not?
@texasbeeworks A washing machine full of bees! #tiktok #cleantok #bees #animals #foryou
♬ original sound - Erika Thompson
Again, some of you might consider this one cheating, but it was indeed at the very top of #cleantok. Please, don’t try this at home.
@griseldawalshzpo870 #DealGuesser #satisfying #cleantok
♬ оригинальный звук - Christina
You know when you’re wearing makeup and answer the phone only to realise your screen has some on it too? Well, we’re pretty sure whatever this cloth is made of would work wonders on your phone’s screen too. Shut up and take my money!
@juliasphouse #cleaning #cleantok #cleaningtiktok #oventrayclean🧼 #deepclean
♬ original sound - Julia Odden
We can’t stop watching this video but if it was us… It’s safe to say we would just throw this dirty tray in the bin and buy a couple of new ones. How shameful.
@pwincesslexx Stripping my husbands favorite pillows after 5 years🤢 #fyp #foryoupage #pillowchallenge #cleantok #gross #strip
♬ Spongebob Tomfoolery - Dante9k Remix - David Snell
You know what they say, “Good soup.”